Why Choose Flutter for Web Development?

Flutter is outstanding not just for mobile app development but also for web development. It’s a new emerging technology offering the best quality outputs for applications.


Manthan Bhanvadiya

September 26, 2023

October 30, 2023
Why Choose Flutter for Web Development?

Are you thinking of building a web application using Flutter? Yes, you can. Flutter is a good option for building a cross-platform web application, including desktop apps. But, are you really confident that you should choose Flutter for web development? If not, you will be. This article will give crystal clear views of why you should choose Flutter for web development project. Let’s explore;

Did you know Flutter is the youngest among the most cross-platform frameworks yet the most popular one in the tech arena?

As per Google, over 500,000 developers worldwide use Flutter. Statista reports that more than 42% of developers worldwide use this framework in 2021 which is way up from 30% in 2019.

With the rise of mobile app development, the days for web apps seemed to be over earlier. But, Flutter web in 2021 gave this discussion an end by letting businesses create effective and productive cross-platform web applications. The above statistics speak volumes about the growing popularity of Flutter. We all know that Flutter has played an instrumental role in developing robust apps for companies like Alibaba Group and eBay. Still, not many are aware that Flutter is equally crucial for web development, albeit it is there since 2021.

Business owners prefer Flutter for web development because it helps them focus on multiple customer touchpoints while enjoying cost-savings and faster time to market. Not just medium and large-scale businesses, Flutter benefits startups too if they want to attract investors.

Codzgarage is the top rated web app development company offering a wide range of services on the top of trending tech stocks, like Flutter, Angular, ReactJS, and more. Contact us today to discuss your project.

In this blog, we will discuss the reasons why businesses should choose Flutter for web development. No more talking, let’s get straight into it.

What is Flutter Web or Flutter for the Web?

The Flutter web is an open-source cross-platform framework that helps businesses reach more users in browsers while giving the same experience as they have with Flutter mobile apps on mobile smartphone devices. Just like Flutter disrupted mobile app development, it has revolutionized the web development industry. The web is flexible enough but Flutter can build robust and feasible web apps like PWAs and SPAs.


A Progressive Web App (PWA) is like a desktop or native app. Apart from being light-weight and responsive, they function like regular websites. Flutter developers can leverage native mobile device features to build PWAs. Most importantly, you can save costs on building a PWA application as compared to a standard web application.

The best thing about these PWAs is that users can download them in offline mode (no need for Google or other play stores) and install them independently.


SPA is nothing but a single-page application. These single-page applications work inside a browser without the need for page loading every time the user navigates them. As soon as the user scrolls through the feed or switches tabs, the page will load automatically. Due to fast rendering, SPAs are ideal for content-based products/services.

In short, Flutter website development transforms your existing mobile apps into functional websites. Flutter renders web apps like it renders Android or iOS apps by converting your project to native code at the time of deployment.

Why Use Flutter for Web Apps Development?


Flutter 1 was a beta version that provided web support but it was excruciating because developers had to write separate codes for each platform and browser. Google released Flutter 2 with exciting features that offer a seamless experience on the web and mobile apps.

What separates Flutter 2 from Flutter 1? With the advent of Flutter 2, companies can carry out a smooth transition from mobile apps to web, desktop, and foldable and dual-screen devices. In March 2021, Google announced that Flutter for the web is stable and ready for use in commercial projects. There are many projects built using Flutter, though you need to connect with tech experts if you have any projects to discuss for the same.

If you are still wondering if Flutter is good for web development, we will give you many reasons. Keep reading.

1. Striking Similarities to Native Apps

Flutter web apps look and behave similarly to native apps, even if it’s a complex app with a complex UI. The graphical engine and rendering methods are nearly identical for Flutter web and under the hood Flutter for Android/iOS. Hence, the final look and performance of the web app will be no different from a native app.

Moreover, Flutter enables developers to easily define the platform where the web app runs while implementing a relevant UI that meets client requirements.

2. Stable and Versatile

Compared to the earlier version, Flutter 2 can solve over 24.5 thousand problems. At the same time, the huge Flutter community works tirelessly to improve its features and usability. Since Flutter 2 uses a single code base, developers use it to transition from Android, iOS to MacOS or Linux while being compatible with smart TVs and countless home appliances.

3. Integration with Existing Applications

With Google’s new add-to-app features, Flutter developers can integrate modules of the Flutter project into your existing native projects. At the same time, developers they can also store your existing code database. How do Flutter developers accomplish this feat?

With Android applications, developers embed Flutter components into the existing native app using the Android Studio plugin. Alternatively, they can also write a few lines of code and create AAR and POM repos. Similarly, for iOS apps, developers create a Flutter module and add plugins and packages later.

Later, they embed it into the native code using CocoaPods or by manually adding frameworks to the XCode project. Whether it’s Android or iOS integration, developers launch the added screens/elements using Flutter engine, connected to the native project via API. If they want to edit the SDK code, they can use Android Studio or VS Code.

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4. Improved Support for PWA and SPA

Flutter for the web provides excellent support for PWAs. It combines the web’s reach with the competence of a desktop app. Additionally, single page apps transmit information to and from net services with a single load. Using a single code base, Flutter transforms a mobile app into a web app.

5. Supported by Google

Google supports Flutter based apps. Not just support, Google also helps in improving Flutter technology by providing help with bug-fixing, releasing updates and troubleshooting. Flutter is an integral part of Google’s recent projects like Google Fuchsia Fuschia which is an indication that the technology is ever-evolving with immense future potential.

6. Scalability and Faster Time-to-Market

Flutter web development is cost-effective and efficient, making it ideal for proof of concept and product idea verification. With Flutter, you can create fully functional and efficient applications and release them on the web along with Play Stores.

After successful downloads and positive reviews, you can choose to scale your existing mobile and web apps, enabling you to develop niche solutions for your target audience.

7. Innovative Web Development Tools

Flutter has a comprehensive set of efficient and handy web development tools. With the release of every new version, you will have access to a new set of tools and features. Image decoding is one such tool that Flutter detects and uses the ImageDecoder API in supported browsers. Most chromium-based browsers have embraced this API.

Leveraging the built-in image code, the image decoding API decodes images from the mainstream. In this way, the image decoding process happens at double the speed without adversely impacting the main thread. The result is zero lag while image loading.

Another crucial feature is the Lifecycle API which allows you to control the initial load from a server-side HTML page. Furthermore, an added benefit of the Lifecycle API is that it helps analyze your Flutter app’s performance on Lighthouse.

8. Easy Maintenance

After the Flutter web app is ready, you may think it is time to sit back and relax, but it’s far from the truth. Post-app development, it is time for maintenance. Unlike other platforms, Flutter does not require you to employ multiple developers to maintain the code.

One Flutter web developer is enough for the task. With other technologies, you may have to hire different developers who may decide to work in different ways. In such cases, there is no guarantee that the app will work and feel the same on Android, iOS, and other platforms.

You don’t have to worry about such issues with Flutter web development.

Unique Rendering Engine

Flutter allows countless opportunities for customization and innovation that other platforms do not offer. Thanks to Flutter’s robust structure and powerful rendering engine, you get a ton of features to build bespoke apps.

Flutter uses Skia to render itself on the platform’s canvas. The rendering engine facilitates the launch of the Flutter UI on any platform. In simple language, Flutter’s development process is smooth and simple because there is no need to alter the UI to enable cross-platform transfers.

When to Use Flutter for Web Development?

Flutter, was originally known for its prowess in mobile app development. But, it has expanded its capabilities to include web development recently. While Flutter offers a range of advantages for building web applications, it may not be suitable in every scenario. To help you determine when to use Flutter for web development, we made a few suggestions. You can use Flutter when you have:

Cross-Platform Requirements

If your project requires cross-platform compatibility, Flutter is an excellent choice. A single codebase to maintain is not just the primary reason why people choose Flutter but it also makes it an optimal choice for web applications.

Rapid Prototyping and Iteration:

With features like hot reload, Flutter becomes an ideal choice for web development. Hot reload enables developers to see real-time updates to the web application while making code changes. No need to restart.

Rich and Interactive User Interfaces

Flutter is known for creating visually appealing and highly interactive user interfaces. If your web application requires a sophisticated and engaging UI, Flutter’s widget ecosystem helps you.

Performance and Efficiency:

If you have the right project, Flutter helps you build robust and efficient web applications. No doubt, it just one factor as the skills of Flutter engineers do matter.

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How can Codzgarage help you?

With providing the best Flutter developers for hire at your convenience, Codzgarage is the best destination for all your needs. We have the industry’s best web developers with genuine reviews and feedback from the actual clients. You can also use our expert’s help to help you find the right choice for your project.

Codzgarage is the preferred choice for building high-quality websites and migrating legacy systems to newer platforms on the top of latest technologies. We help you with your all web development needs. Let’s connect.

Manthan Bhanvadiya

Manthan Bhanvadiya

Co-Founder & Delivery Head

Manthan, the delivery head at Codzgarage is an extraordinary business leader! With over a decade of experience in the industry, Manthan is a master at delivering results. His expertise in project management, team leadership, and customer satisfaction has helped countless organizations achieve success. With a passion for innovation and a dedication to excellence, Manthan is the go-to person for delivering exceptional results on time and within budget. When is not working, he writes about software development guides.

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